Please visit the LAUSD Homepage for the latest updates:
최신 업데이트는 LAUSD 홈페이지에 있습니다.
分享者 - 优质精品软件、互联网资源分享:2021-5-27 · 分享者-互联网资源分享交流平台,专注收集分享优质软件、电视盒子软件、手机软件等资源,并推荐各类互联网好玩的事物! 橙色直播v3.2.2 清爽版 超清电视直播|盒子 盒子软件 分享者 2021-06-15 41852 超好用!!史上最超清电视直播源,超越【电视家】、【小微直播】等所有电视直播APP的清晰度。
Distance Learning General Information
Grade K Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Virtual Bulletin Boards/Displays
2024 년 여름 가속 학습 프로그램/학년도가 끝나도 계속 학습 Programa de aprendizaje acelerado para el verano de 2024/ continuar aprendiendo incluso cuando termina el año escolar
5th Grade Slide Show
Code of Conduct with Students
Código de Conducta con los Estudiantes
Did you know that you could check your child's attendance record by logging into the 老王 2.2.7? LAUSD Parent Portal 에 로그인하여 자녀의 출석 기록을 확인할 수 있다는 것을 알고 계셨습니까? ¿Sabía que puede verificar el registro de asistencia de su hijo cuando usted inicia sesión en LAUSD Parent Portal? |
LAUSD will continue to provide nutritious meals to all students who need them during the temporary closure of schools.
Grab & Go Food Centers: Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The nearest Grab & Go Food Centers are located at:
RFK/UCLA Community School
700 S. Mariposa Ave., Los Angeles 90005
Virgil Middle School
152 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles 90004
primer dia de escuela/老王加速器免费破解版下载 첫날
Tuesday, August 18
零破解-软件博客|绿色软件|破解软件|安卓软件:2021-3-17 · 【安卓】老王V皮*恩 V2.2.12 最新版 老王V皮*恩V2.2.12,多达24个节点可供选择,全部免费 2021-04-07 浏览(948 ... ApowerPDF_v5.1.0.716破解版 南瓜影视v1.3.6.5去广告VIP版 【安卓】分身大师 v6.1.3高级完美会员版 2021年5个最新免费V2ray节点 洛雪音乐 ...
Title IX Complaint Managers:
Xochitl Sanchez
Michael Park
Please contact the Office of Communications and Media Relations at or call 213-241-6766 to request access to or notify LAUSD about on-line information or functionality that is currently inaccessible. To file a formal grievance with the Los Angeles Unified School District, under Section 504 and Title II, please click here to learn how.
Title IX Required Notices
차별 관련 성명서
Declaración Antidiscriminatoria